5 Reasons You May Be Experiencing Hair Loss or Thinning


Are you also tired of constant, recurring hair fall problems? Tried all the suggested methods but nothing turned out perfect for you? If yes, you are not alone in this. A major number of men and women these days face this issue. The problem lies in the fact that different people suggest different expensive methods which end up in nothing productive. There can be numerous reasons, ranging from hereditary causes to stress, for hair fall, and finding out the root cause results in fruitful output! Thus, while treating the cosmetic side of your thinning hair with Hair Restore LA, consider all the factors and help you better.

5 major reasons for hair loss

There can be a couple of reasons for your hair loss and doing treatment without knowing the right cause would never be helpful. There we have listed a set of reasons for your hair fall problem:

  1. Age – With aging many hormonal secretion processes slow down, thus, leading to hair fall, Deteriorated hair health, and weak skin.

  2. Hereditary – one of the prime causes can be hereditary issues. It is evident in men, women, and even teens in which the Hair follicles shrink, and thus you lose Hair over time.

  3. Lifestyle- In today’s world, unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking, sleeping late, etc., have risen to a large extent, thus, leading to health hazards and hair loss is one of them.

  4. Unbalanced Hormonal secretion- With the continuous changes occurring inside a female body like- menstruation, pregnancy, puberty, etc., hormonal imbalance is triggered due to these and that is why it often leads to problems like hair fall.

  5. Medical imbalance– Another reason for hair loss can be your medications. Sometimes medications for serious diseases like Cancer etc leads to falling of hair as side-effects. In such cases, hair care products are no aid.

Here, our client’s wellbeing is prioritized the most and that’s why we provide you with customer service. Contact us today to know about Hair Restore LA and let Christina serve you the best!


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